Illusion Games


Honey Select 2

My first BepInEx plugin is available.

VR Fluid Fix

Unzip to your game folder. This fix addresses the known issue of "Various ingame fluids aren't showing" for the unofficial VR Mod. Install this BepInEx plugin / mod alongside the one you should have already found in mod packs under the name "[OrangeSpork] HS2VR v0.9.0" or a similar version. Set the various fluids back to Detailed rather than Simplified, and they will show up.

Technical Notes: No support is provided. Any VR plugin based on VRGIN should be compatible. That prerequisite mod is referred to by the BepInEx plugin identifier "HS2VR.unofficial". My code basically copies the necessary Fluid Renderers and settings to the SteamCam camera in VR that is created by the underlying VRGIN base mod that the OrangeSpork mod uses.